Liz Uihlein’s “Lights Out on U.S. Manufacturing?”
December 16th, 2010
One of the basic tenants of anyone’s ‘survival’ guide is getting as self-reliant as possible — applies to countries as well as individuals, doesn’t it? Anyone with a business address and even many residences receives the ULINE Catalog in the mail. ULINE is a family-owned, 1980 home-basement start-up, from the midwest specializing in packaging and shipping supplies. In the back of the current catalog I came across the article below that was written by the ULINE president, Liz Uilein. While personally and professionally a proponent of the green economy as it relates to shorter lines of supply and simpler notions of ‘well-being’ , Mrs. Uihlein’s letter is definitely worth contemplating:

CFLs - Good for US?
“Back in 2007, when George W. Bush was President, Congress passed a law to ban incandescent bulbs beginning in 2014. That helped push GE to recently close the last U.S. incandescent light bulb plant in Virginia. So we go green with American-made compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs)? Nope. Now Americans will have to buy Chinese-made CFLs or Curly-Qs.
Is there a windfall of green manufacturing jobs here or are we just exporting more jobs to China? Think about it. In China, working conditions are poor and their concern for the environment is limited at best, making it easy for them to produce things cheaply.
China gets to use their nearly non-existent environmental rules and working conditions to make green products like the CFLs. These products are more expensive and also have a higher mercury content, making disposal a big issue. All this so Americans can meet U.S. environmental laws while we watch more of our fellow citizens lose their jobs. Just how level is this playing field?
U.S. companies rely on innovation to compete. Trying to go head-to-head with the Chinese by giving away that innovation and then making it too costly for American companies to play is a losing battle. We saw that with the textile industry. Our government should be focusing on ways to help us compete globally, not getting in the way with ill-conceived and restrictive laws, in my opinion.

Liz Uihlein
A rising tide lifts all boats. We are all in this together. We need to do our best to take care of our families first, then America, and then the world. What is fair?”
Farmers to Servers Industry Night(s) at the Pub
December 14th, 2010

Serving it up for Industry Night
Sunday, December 12th marked the first Industry night of the season at the Pub. With Floor & Beverage Manager, Angie Payne behind the bar, most Sunday and Monday nights, the Pub is encouraging restaurant workers and farmers to mingle while enjoying reduced price food and beverage offers… $3 pints, $5 Highballs and 1/2 priced Putine was the first night’s deals. The evenings begin at 8 PM and last until closing. It’s one way to get through these dark days of winter. The Pub expects to continue the nights every Sunday & Monday through March.
“‘Best’ Vegetarian Wintertime dish I’ve ever eaten!”
December 6th, 2010

Winter Fare at Pegasus
Some people haven’t taken notice yet of some of the expanded capabilities of the Pegasus kitchen. Check this favorite dish out.
It’s roasted Winter squash with polenta, goat cheese & Brussel sprouts fresh from the farm. Had a couple of folks that thought they didn’t like or want to eat Brussel sprouts — But, they have been converted!
Dockside Shopping: Floating Market at Eagle Harbor?
December 1st, 2010
It was almost a century ago when steam whistles blew as mosquito fleet boats pulled away from the old Winslow Wharf loaded with fresh strawberries for Seattle. In trade, they brought supplies and labor for the island’s lumber mills, shipyards and farms.
The docks at Eagle Harbor once again play host to water-bound commerce. Farmboat, a newly launched sea-faring farm goods merchant, is working to re-establish traditional maritime trade routes on Puget Sound. Utilizing historic vessels as floating markets, the organization aims to provide specialty foods and crafts to port communities around Puget Sound along with fascinating lore of days gone by.
Before roads and automobiles, hundreds of steamboats crisscrossed Puget Sound–forming a vital transportation network. Every community had a municipal dock where people would congregate to receive mail, stock up on supplies or ship out to other ports of call. The docks were often a buzz of excitement for local residents.
Farmboat is bringing back the century old tradition with a modern twist. Customers can see what’s available online and place orders before the boat comes into the Harbour Marina in front of the pub.
Farmboat is also there to facilitate trade for Bainbridge food growers wanting to send their products to other ports. For more information, please visit: