New Art from Joe Wirtheim grace the Pub Walls Starting Today
April 1st, 2012
We met with Joe in Portland last week. Joe and Taylor (his assistant) related their story about how this project has changed their lives. Gaining exposure through Martha Stewart’s Living Magazine has propelled them into a full-fledged business.
The Victory Garden of Tomorrow is a self-commissioned poster campaign designed to channel the bold energy of historical poster propaganda. It is committed to civic innovation and social progress — better food, better gardens, and better cities. It is design, politics and whimsy for the modern home front.
The Pub is happy to join the project by offering Joe’s work for sale. We currently have all of his posters in stock, ready for your purchase. The screen prints, like the ones pictured here are available by special order.
Second Installment of Pegasus’ night with Chef McClelland
March 18th, 2012
Last month’s sausage making demonstration with Chef McClelland was memorable. Having filled the house, folks saw and savored fresh sausage with a locally produced Nettle Pale Ale. This month we’ll be all about fish – with Port Townsend’s Key City Fish Co. also taking part, it should be another fun and informative evening out – on Bainbridge. Follow the link to reserve your seat. It does sell out.
Pub Opening Early Sunday for Chilly Hilly Riders
February 25th, 2012
Warm up your tired buns at the pub after this year’s Chilly Hilly. The fireplace and fire tables will be raging earlier than normal on Sunday. Open at 10 am instead of the normal 11 am, there will be fresh burgers, nachos and the normal carb replenishment you’ve come to expect after a frosty ride around Bainbridge. Good luck and we look forward to seeing you after your finish!
Always Been Wondering How to Make Your Own Sausage?
February 24th, 2012
Come to a night where fun, education and a tasty beverage draw you out on a Wednesday in February!
Three great reasons to venture out:
FIRST: Executive Chef Jeff McClelland demonstrate making all natural sausages from scratch. Complimentary samples will highlight the difference small-batch sausage making provides!
SECOND: A great night of fellowship: Grab some friends or a date (sausage jokes included) and spend a couple of hours in Pegasus Coffee House. The Pegasus’ full-service bar will be open specially for this event. TICKETS ARE LIMITED.
THIRD: A beer to match the sample sausages as a COMPLIMENTARY first beverage for the evening.
Limited number of TICKETS:
Order tickets via Eventbrite: <>
Seen at the Summit
February 12th, 2012

20th Anniversary Bag Makes an appearance at the Summit at Snoqualmie
Our traveling correspondent took a quick pic of our anniversary bag at the East Summit (Hyak) Lodge at the Snoqulamie Summit this weekend….no doubt holding some intrepid cross-country skiers gear while he/she was traversing the 120 inches of snow in the mountain pass. See it at
Full Length Pegasus Video Here
February 10th, 2012
Pegasus Coffee House Commercial
Erin Fredrichs produced this commercial for us from a course offered by BITV, before its unfortunate demise. Part of it is now playing at the Bainbridge Athletic Club. The full version can be found by clicking on the link above.
Despite Today’s Weather the Pub and Pegasus Open
January 19th, 2012
Yes, come get your Snowshoe special…$3.50 Honest Pints
Our Feathered Friends & the Snow
January 16th, 2012

Outside the Pub's Window is a Wintery Landscape
Puff up those feathers and stay warm. Our healthy feathered neighbors act a little less plussed than us about today’s snow and wintery weather. You can always tell when it has snowed, though, as the Robins in particular eat all the berries that may be left on any of the holly trees. Having grown up in snow country, I’m not used to seeing Robins in the snow as they usually migrated south for the majority of the cold winter. Regardless, just a reminder to relax, take it easy, fluff up your insulation and continue on, I suppose. Ma and Pa Mallard duck, on the other hand, seem content to hide their eyes and sleep the day away.

What's all the fuss?
The Pub Has Tapped into the New Wine Trend
January 2nd, 2012

New Wines Taps installed At the Pub
Wine on tap isn’t just a clever novelty scheme — its better for the environment, and keeps wine fresher, making sure the last glass from the keg is as good as the first. Better yet, by ditching bottles, corks, labels and related production costs, wine producers save as much as 25 percent.
“Ultimately, the result is that the consumer is able to get a better glass of wine for less,” states Frank Piccola of Piccola Wines, in Woodenville .
Kegged wines are much like beer — the primary difference being that nitrogen replaces a carbon dioxide-and-nitrogen cocktail as the space-filler in the kegs.
Jocelyn Waite, owner of the pub, states “This type of system has been around for a long time, but the wines weren’t very good. Now the focus is on putting high-quality local wines into kegs. The pub is thrilled to be able to be the first in Kitsap to offer kegged wine to our customers.”
Kitsap Sun & Bainbridge Islander fetes Pub’s 20th Anniversary
December 27th, 2011
You can see the article and pictures here: