Farming Class with Arno at WSU Kitsap
August 20th, 2012
Farms, Food, Friends and Fun!
August 5th, 2012
Farm to Table Dinner
A benefit for Friends of the Farms
Friday Aug. 17, 2012 6 – 10 pm (food until 8:30 pm)
Madrone Lane, Bainbridge Island, WA
- Food from over 10 local restaurants and caterers
- No-host beer & wine garden
- Music by Pearl Django
To register click here.
The Farm to Table Dinner is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy fabulous food and support Friends of the Farm, an organization dedicated to preserving local farming on Bainbridge Island. And all the while, you will be entertained by award winning gypsy jazz band Pearl Django. (check out their music here.)
Friends of the Farms began its life as an organization in 2001. The primary goal has been to ensure access to land by the farming community. The organization has a 5 year contract to manage farmland that the city had the foresight to purchase. The city of Bainbridge Island currently owns five farmland properties totaling 60 acres, some of which was donated. Three of those properties – Johnson Farm, Morales Farm and Suyematsu-Bentryn farms – are currently being farmed by a collaborative group of farmers.
The farming heritage of Bainbridge has been threatened by a rapidly growing “suburbanization” which has resulted in a dramatic loss of suitable farmland. As land values increase, access to farm land becomes much more difficult. Along with managing the public farmland, the organization helps to pair up private land owners with suitable acreage and farmers in search of land. Friends of the Farms has developed other exciting and innovative programs and resources. They advocate for local farming by working to increase awareness of the benefits of an economy with a strong agrarian component. They provide opportunities for educational (and fun) events such as the Harvest Fair (held in the fall), Farm Walks and public speaking. Partnering with the EduCulture Project, headquartered on Bainbridge Island, they have created “lived-learning” experiences for K-12 students. Through these experiences, food grown by the students will be served in the school district lunch program. And – for those non-farmers with an itch to get involved, Friends of the Farms holds work parties on the second Saturday of every month to pitch in at the various farms. Every farmer can always use a few more “hands”!
The vision of Friends of the Farm is a community that supports local agriculture, honors the farming tradition and is nourished and energized by healthy, locally produced food. Come to the Farm to Table dinner on the 17th. Enjoy the music, the food and the fun, while you are supporting and co-creating this vision of a flourishing community.
Visit Bainbridge Island!
July 26th, 2012
Click on the link above to see a few reasons to take the trip to Bainbridge Island. The video was created by KOMO-TV with funds provided by the Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce and the City of Bainbridge Island lodging tax monies.
Roller Hockey Championship
July 25th, 2012
Bainbridge Roller Hockey Championship
Saturday July 28, 2013
Games starting at 9 am and continuing until 4:30 pm
Battle Point Park
The Bainbridge Roller Hockey League is a co-ed recreational league for players ages 7 – 17. The league is divided into three divisions based on the age of the players. Teams are created each year with an eye toward balance. The teams are created based on a skating assessment which takes place in April – before the season begins. The league was formed in 1995 by a mom who was new to the island. Her kids had played in their previous location, so she created the opportunity for them to play on Bainbridge. Currently the league has 150 players, most from Bainbridge – but some coming from Poulsbo, Silverdale and Port Orchard. All the games take place at the rink at Battle Point Park.
Along with providing lots of fun for the kids, the Bainbridge Roller Hockey league is a great way for the adults to get involved in the community. According to Dawn Janow, league president, the volunteers have so much fun they have a hard time making room for all who step up. Along with board positions, adult volunteers also provide refereeing, upkeep of the rink and equipment, score keeping and other jobs. While most of the volunteers are parents of the players, some of the adults are involved just because it is such a great experience. Adults also have time to get some playing in. On Friday nights, there is an adult pick-up game for anyone who cares to play. Many of the Friday night players are alumni of the kids’ teams.
With its very reasonable fees, equipment recycling program and low need for travel, Bainbridge Roller Hockey is dedicated to make the program accessible for all who want to play. Players of all skill levels are guaranteed play time and the league hosts lots of opportunities to learn and grow in skill. When asked what message Dawn would like to send her response is: “Bainbridge Roller Hockey is recreational sport in the truest sense. Just come play!”
More on Roller Hockey:
Roller hockey is a sport with a lot of variables. There are two main types of Roller Hockey – quad, played on roller skate with four wheels, and inline, played on the inline skates that became popular in the 1970s. Interesting fact: inline skate were actually invented in the 1760s beating the invention of 4 wheelers by about 100 years! Roller hockey, of both varieties, is known by many different names, sometimes depending on what part of the world, and the level of play. Quad roller hockey is known as quad hockey, roll hockey, rink hockey, and hardball hockey. Because the quad skates provide greater maneuverability the play often involves fancy footwork and tight maneuvering. This can make it similar to football or basketball. Inline hockey is referred to by the names ball hockey, street hockey, long stick hockey, deck hockey, road hockey and more. Not surprisingly the play is very similar to ice hockey and many NHL players actually train during the summer months by participating in inline hockey leagues.
Roller Hockey is making its way into competitive sports on a national and international level. The National Collegiate Roller Hockey Association was formed in 1994 and currently has over 200 colleges with teams. Also established in 1994 was the International Roller In-Line Hockey association – which has over 35 national associations on their membership rolls. While Roller Hockey is not an Olympic Sport at the current time, there are international championships held each year. Quad roller hockey was one of three demonstration sports included in the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona – with the United States finishing 7th. Argentina, Spain and Italy won the gold, silver and bronze.
Ride a Puget Sound Mosquito?
July 8th, 2012
Virginia V Around The Island Cruise
July 15, 2012 3 – 6 pm
On July 15th you have the opportunity to answer this question and at the same time immerse yourself in history – on the water and on the land. The Bainbridge Island Historical Museum is holding a fundraiser that promises to be a day full of fun and learning. The fundraiser takes place on the historic steamship Virginia V and will feature a cruise around the Island, onboard commentary by Dennis Lewarch, Suquamish Tribal Historian, food and a no-host bar.
The Virginia V, which is a 125 ft. steamship, is the last operational craft of the Puget Sound “mosquito fleet”. The ship was built in 1921 of local old-growth fir. She replaced the four previous Virginia ships – the first of which was built prior to 1909 and originally named the Virginia Merrill. The term “mosquito fleet” is often used in a way that sounds like it was an official organization or designation. However, the term was really more of a catch-phrase used to describe a collection of approximately 2500 vessels of all types, big and small, that served the Puget Sound area from 1857 to 1925 transporting passengers and cargo. At some point it was remarked that there were so many steamers buzzing around Puget Sound that they looked like a “swarm of mosquitoes”. As a colloquialism, it is hard to pin point the beginning and the end of the so-called Puget Sound Mosquito Fleet.
By 1925, however, automobile usage had become popular enough that the car ferry was introduced. And that was the beginning of the fade-out of all of those steamers. The Virginia V has had a very checkered past in her journey from mosquito fleet to historic tourist attraction. Since she was built in 1921, on a beach – with no formal plans (by a couple of guys who really didn’t believe in reading the directions first), she has changed owners at least 8 times. She has survived through numerous restorations, a bankruptcy where she was sold for unpaid debt, and a major collision into the docks during the storm of 1937 (the ship survived – the docks, not so much). She also had a moment of glory in 1948 when she entered The Great Steamboat Race. The course ran 5 miles across Puget Sound and Virginia V won by a very small margin.
Any visit to Bainbridge Island should include a stroll around the historic town of Bainbridge Island. Be sure to check out the museum, where collections include 3500 artifacts and over 4000 photographs depicting life on the Island back to 1854. Whether you visit on the 15th for the Museum fundraiser, or some other time, Bainbridge Island is a great destination for fun, learning, food and history.
For information or tickets for the Virginia V Around the Island cruise call 206-842-2773 or go to the Bainbridge Island Historical Museum website at:
Need to Know how to Process Your Chicken?
July 3rd, 2012
June 30th, 2012
Olympic Outdoor Center is offering Stand-Up Paddle Boarding lessons and rentals from the docks in front of the pub. Come check it out 7 days a week.
Bainbridge Uncorked June 22 – 24, 2012
June 16th, 2012
In 2010, Sunset magazine dubbed Bainbridge Island “The Northwest’s new wine destination”. Coming up June 22 – 24th you have the opportunity to see for yourself what a truly great destination it is for wine lovers. Bainbridge Uncorked is the island wine festival which will feature seven island winemakers. The weekend is packed with tasting, touring and learning.
The festival features 7 artisan winemakers showcasing their handcrafted, award winning wines. The festival opens Friday evening at 5 pm with a tour of historic Winslow with stops in the Downtown Tasting Rooms of Eagle Harbor Wine Company, Eleven, Harbor Square Wine Shop and Island Vintners. The admission price of $40 buys you wine and appetizers at all four stops.
Saturday & Sunday take a tour of individual wineries. Hop on your bike, or take your car to experience the wine culture of the island. The tour includes (tasting fees may apply):
- Amelia Wynn Winery
- Eagle Harbor Winery
- Eleven Winery
- Fletcher Bay Winery
- Perennial Vintners
- Rolling Bay Winery
- Victor Alexander Winery
Saturday afternoon offers an educational treat from Jeff Tweiten, owner of Harbor Square Wine Shop. In this free class you can learn about the wines of Washington and what makes our area such a great wine destination.
Didn’t make the trip to all of the wineries? No worries – Saturday night you can enjoy the wines of all 7 wineries in one location. Central Tasting, from 5 – 8pm is a golden opportunity to taste the wine and great local food, while you meet and chat with the winemakers. Price: $50
For more information about the festival, and links to all 7 wineries click here. For tickets to all events click here.
Looking for a little exercise to round out your weekend? Located just an hour away is one of the most unique hiking experiences you will find.

photo by Alan Bauer
The Dungeness Spit is the longest natural sand spit in the United States. It is also home to a multitude of wildlife, including shorebirds, waterfowl, shellfish, and seals. Extending 5 miles out into the Strait of Juan De Fuca, the spit offers a really long hike or a short stroll on the coast.
June 22 – 24th is definitely the weekend to explore this wonderful area so close to Seattle.
Butler Green & Laughing Crow Farms, Class of 2012
June 7th, 2012
Left to Right:
PROFILE – Hamilton Anderson
Born: Kirkland, WA
Hometown: Kirkland, WA
Educ: Messiah College, Environmental Science
Interests: Backpacking, Lawn Games, Ukulele
PROFILE – Ryan Montella,
Born: Abington, PA
Hometown: Doylestown, PA
Educ: Degree in Industrial
Design, Philadelphia University
Interests: Travel, Food & Wine
PROFILE – Elizabeth Thomas
Born: Boynton Beach, FL
Hometown: Boca Raton, Fl
Educ: Degree in Environmental Horticulture, University of Florida
Interests: Traditional Food Preparation and History
PROFILE – Leah White
Born: Bremerton, WA
Hometown: Silverdale, WA
Educ: Degree in Environmental Science, Western WA University
Interests: Horses & Hiking
PROFILE – Thom Young
Born: Portland, OR
Hometown: Seattle, WA
Educ: Oregon State Univ & UC Santa Barbara – Zoology, Ecology, Evolution & Marine Biology
Interests: Distance Running, Ocean Swimming & Permaculture, Husband and Dad
PROFILE – Britney Tonning
Born: Blue Springs, MO
Hometown: Iowa City, IA
Educ: Degree in University of No. Iowa – BA/Masters – Leisure Services, Non-Profit Administration
Interests: Outdoor Enthusiast, Reading, Cooking & Crafting
Butler Green Farms grows fruits and vegetables for families in Kitsap County through Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) using biodynamic growing methods. Laughing Crow Farm is on Day Road on Bainbridge. Its owner, Betsey Wittick, has been farming on the island for over 20 years. Both farms also sell their produce and meats at the Bainbridge Island Farmers’ Market on Saturdays and to local restaurants on Bainbridge Island and in Seattle.
Persephone Farm, Class of 2012
June 7th, 2012
- Sadie Beauregard
- Ben Bisbach
- Jared Trilling
- Cody Egan
PROFILE – Sadie Beauregard
Born: Seattle, WA
Hometown:Vashon Island, WA
Educ:Degree in Urban & Environmental Policy, Occidental College
Interests: Knitting & Hiking
PROFILE – Ben Bisbach
Born: Baraboo, WI
Hometown: Madison, WI
Educ: Graduate of University of Wisconsin – Madison in Forestry
Interests: Piano, Hiking, Biking & Camping
PROFILE – Jared Trilling
Born: Cincinnati, OH
Hometown: Milwaukee, WI
Educ: Graduate of University of Montanna, Resource Conservation
Interests: Hiking, Running, Fishing Rowing, Clamming
PROFILE – Cody Egan
Born: Plainfield, IL
Hometown: Madison, WI
Educ: Graduate of University of Wisconsin – Madison in International Studies & History
Interests: Hiking, Camping, Baking & Reading