From: Diane Fish, WSU Kitsap Extension, 360-337-7026,

Local Farmers learn how to slaughter and process farm-grown poultry in Poultry 201 class.

KINGSTON – Kitsap County farmers will learn how to slaughter and process farm-grown chickens and turkeys in a WSDA Special Poultry Permit facility and market their product to local consumers at the hands-on “Poultry 201” class to be held at Kingston Farm on Saturday, October 22, 2011.

Demand for locally raised chicken and turkeys have farmers eager for how-to information on raising and processing birds for local sale. Pastured broilers and heritage turkeys represent a rapidly growing niche market with opportunities for local farmers to capitalize on the locavore movement. However, farm processing needs to be done in a safe and approved manner to ensure a high quality product for local consumers.

“Raising and selling pastured poultry represent an ideal start-up enterprise for small and beginning farmers or an additional income stream for existing farmers.” according to Arno Bergstrom, Director of WSU Kitsap Extension. “The demand for locally grown, pastured poultry is growing. This class represents an ideal chance for farmers to see how to process poultry and set up a Washington State Department of Agriculture inspected facility on their farm!”

The WSU Kitsap Extension Small Farms Team, in conjunction with the Kitsap Poultry Growers Cooperative, offers Poultry 201 to bring farmers accurate information on how to butcher and process pastured poultry and set up a Washington State Department of Agriculture Special Poultry Permit facility to compliance with state regulations for on-farm slaughter and processing. Marketing of locally grown poultry will also be discussed.

Poultry 201 will take place from 9:00 AM to Noon on October 23, 2010 at Kingston Farm, 37691 Lindvog Rd. NE, Kingston, WA. The class is $35 per person or $60 per household and pre-registration is suggested. Registration is available online at or at the workshop. For information about Poultry 201 and to register please contact Diane Fish of the WSU Kitsap Extension Small Farms Team at 360.337.7026 or

About WSU Kitsap Extension Small Farms Team:

The Small Farms Team provides farmers with research-based information and assistance on sustainable farming, animal husbandry, farm business planning and marketing. Learn more at:

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