Honest Pints Only on Parfitt Way
October 25th, 2010

The Pub & Pegasus Coffee House are Honest Pint Purveyors
Harbour Public House and Pegasus Coffee House have received ‘Honest Pint’ Certification! The Honest Pint Project is an effort to bring transparency to glassware volumes by promoting the use of glassware that ensures a patron receives at least 16 fluid ounces of beer when a pint is poured. While not against the law and without uniform standards that enforce a uniform measure, the result is a market in which some pubs serve beer in 20-ounce imperial pints while others use glassware as small as 14 ounces — all called ‘pints’. Unwittingly one can pay a premium for beer served in smaller than advertised glass. But, not here. www.honestpintproject.org
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